Thursday 6 October 2011

Portfolio Research

Today we had to research into portfolios. I chose to look at graphic design porfolios on the internet. The idea of looking into other peoples portfolios is to gather ideas for what to put in our own and gather elements for ideas.

The first portfolio I found was from 'Just Creative Design'.

I thought that this portfolio was fairly clean and tidy which I liked as it was very simple and easy to navigate through. This made it easier to look through his work.His portfolio also in sections which helped as i was more interested in his logo design work.

The second portfolio I found was by 'David Airey'.

I didn't think that this portfolio was as good as the last one as you had to scroll through all of his work. I found this quite un-useful as I just wanted to look at some typography design but I had to see his print design work before.

I then found this portfolio by 'Attitude Design'.

I really liked this portfolio. I liked it because you can chose what section of graphic design you want look at. Once you had chosen a section, you can then scroll through their work and then on the edges of each image would two arrows in which you could click to see variations of that particular design. this made it easy to navigate through.

The next portfolio I found was by .Ben Barry'.

I liked this one because of the layout. It was set out pretty simple which made it easy to navigate through and see all of his work. Also once you clicked one of his designs, there was an image or a video of how he made that particular design or to show why he was designing it. You could also navigate through the next or previous project by using the arrow keys.

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