Wednesday 14 December 2011


This unit was all about preparing ourselves for when we left college, either going into higher education, into employment or possibly an internship. We had look into job vacancies, university courses, as well as the process of applying for university if wanting to move into higher education after this course.

The first thing I had to do research partially into jobs applications and see what kind of skills were needed to get into specific jobs, like a graphic design job would require a good understanding in creative suites. I then identified areas for development and improvement for myself so I could get an understanding of what I would need to do to get where I would want to in life.

The next stage of this was to research and gather relevant career occupations. I researched into 3 possible vacancies based around graphic design which I found on the web. I found that most graphic design jobs were asking for people with good knowledge in the main adobe software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Fireworks. Other job vacancies which were more based on designing web site graphics were asking for a stern understanding in HTML and or CSS. After this research I was getting a clear understanding of what type of skills would need to be identified to get the job.

I then went on to researching into higher education courses. I started by researching into the very local universities and then looked at other possibilities which were further away. I had a look at the graphic design based courses within all the universities which I have looked at and have found that they are all fairly similar except the one at Plymouth University which was more typography based. I decided to make this one my first choice when applying as it’s more about the communication side of graphic design.

After this I had to create myself a personal statement to use when applying for higher education. This took a fair amount of time as it had to explain why I am applying for the courses I’m choosing, why I’m appropriate for the courses, my current skills and experiences I have had along the way. 

Once I had most of the university research and work out of the way, I had to work on the career side of the unit. I went on to creating myself a curriculum vitae, as I didn’t already have one which I could just update, which I would use for future employment. This was in a way like the personal statement, but more based upon me and not for particular courses. I had to ‘sell myself’ in the CV and give a thorough list of experiences, skills, qualifications, hobbies and a bit about myself. Then, as part of the unit, I created a covering letter to go with the CV to show I have the knowledge when applying for a job. It had to have no spelling errors, punctuation mistakes and formatted correctly.

I finally started to finish off portfolio work which I had been creating throughout the whole unit to present during the university interview. I decided to have a hard back portfolio with print outs inside as well as one online on my website as it would show off my skills a bit more. I did all of this alongside research of other portfolios which I had found online.

Covering Letter For CV

112 Monksmead
PL19 8PR
14th December 2011

Dear Mr J Smith,
I am writing to apply for the available position for a mid-weight graphic designer advertised on a job search website on the 1st December 2011. As requested, please find enclosed my CV informing you on my details and skills. As you will find, I have had previous experience in this particular area of work and am fully aware of the importance of high quality work.
In addition to previous work experience, I also have studied graphic design in secondary school and then pursued this into college. Due to this I am exceptional about the importance of quality work alongside any other crucial factors to any design related working environment.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

Yours sincerely,
Jack Wrightson

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Statement

The graphic design industry is a global business yet it’s still growing. It is has such an important role to everyday life as it’s used to convey specific messages to targeted audiences.  I have completed courses which are similar to, or have had graphic design involved within the course and have gained good experience. I am now hoping to have my input as well as be part of the graphic design industry.

Since I started my time in secondary school, I discovered I’ve a passion for this area of work as I have always enjoyed studying and looking at graphic design areas such as advertising, brand identities and typography. I have also had a passion for how brands work. It has always fascinated me as a company would create their selves a name and a logo to complement their business or product, then depending on how vast that business would grow, they could have instant recognition e.g. Coca Cola, Apple and McDonald’s.

The most enjoyable aspect in studying graphic design for me is being independent and using the skills I have honed during my college study to create work. Lately I have been adding to my portfolio and have realised how strong my preference for graphic design is. Due to this, I have recently found that my personal favourite subject within the subject would be typography. I admire designing and creating logos, flyers, posters, print designs as well as using typography itself. I am personally looking forward to studying typography in more depth as I enjoy playing around with words and letters to create a piece to present a message in a meaningful way.

Some of the current skills that I have inherited would include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Actionscript 2 and 3. I am confident and fluent with using these tools and am currently building on my knowledge on HTML and CSS as I would like to add web design to my skills. I have mainly gained these skills through my ambition to excel additional to my studies.

During my time in college, I have been involved with other businesses to produce work for them. I firstly worked in a group to produce an interactive animation for the ‘National Marine Aquarium’ which resulted in the opportunity to have the animation on their website. Another team project which I undertook was that I involved myself in an advertising campaign for the drinks company ‘Drink Neuro’, where we developed a range of posters to advertise their product which could help promote their drink.

I researched into Plymouth University and hope to broaden my knowledge with graphic design even further and gain a wider, varied range of skills in typography by studying on the Graphic Communication with Typography course. I will also be able to follow my typography and branding passion further as well as be able to show my eagerness, capabilities and have the opportunity to expand my ideas and skills whilst challenging myself.

 The most important aspect involved in graphic design to me is typography. I appreciate typography a lot as you can develop a wide range of designs and images with type created from passion, enjoyment and expression. I think I am a worthy candidate for the Graphic Communication with Typography course as it fits me perfectly and have the identified skills which are needed within success of the course. I also like to challenge myself in all work I do, as I like to ensure that I developed the work to the highest of my ability and standards.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Portfolio Research

Today we had to research into portfolios. I chose to look at graphic design porfolios on the internet. The idea of looking into other peoples portfolios is to gather ideas for what to put in our own and gather elements for ideas.

The first portfolio I found was from 'Just Creative Design'.

I thought that this portfolio was fairly clean and tidy which I liked as it was very simple and easy to navigate through. This made it easier to look through his work.His portfolio also in sections which helped as i was more interested in his logo design work.

The second portfolio I found was by 'David Airey'.

I didn't think that this portfolio was as good as the last one as you had to scroll through all of his work. I found this quite un-useful as I just wanted to look at some typography design but I had to see his print design work before.

I then found this portfolio by 'Attitude Design'.

I really liked this portfolio. I liked it because you can chose what section of graphic design you want look at. Once you had chosen a section, you can then scroll through their work and then on the edges of each image would two arrows in which you could click to see variations of that particular design. this made it easy to navigate through.

The next portfolio I found was by .Ben Barry'.

I liked this one because of the layout. It was set out pretty simple which made it easy to navigate through and see all of his work. Also once you clicked one of his designs, there was an image or a video of how he made that particular design or to show why he was designing it. You could also navigate through the next or previous project by using the arrow keys.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Action Plan - Personal Development

Currently I am aiming to attend university next year. To achive this goal I am going to need to finish my current course in college with sufficient grades. I will hopefully achive this by completeing all work set to the best of my ability aswell as practice work outside of college. Also i will need a portfolio. I am currently making a website in which i can upload some work and use as my portfolio. Another possibility which may help me achive my goal, is some of work experience or possible free lance work. This would help a fair bit as it would allow me to share my skills for others, as well as getting constructive criticism which would help me improve. Also it would give an oppurtunity to gather some elements and experience which may be needed within university.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Research Into Universtity

University of the West of England

Course - BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Duration - 3 Years
Entry Requirements -  Minimum 240 points but more importantly you will need to demonstrate a 
good practical ability and understanding of your chosen subject.

This course will enable you to explore the changing concept of graphic design and the role of the
graphic designer in society and the professional world. In its many forms, graphic design makes an increasing contribution to the cultural and economic life of contempo rary society. It exists in the public domain, is an indicator of current cultural thinking and is a catalyst for social, cultural and political change.

Plymouth University

Course - BA (Hons) Graphic Communication with Typography
Duration - 3 Years
Entry Requirements - 240 points

Stage 1
  • The foundations of good communication design are laid and basic design principles introduced, as well as typography and its relationship with imagery.
  • Set briefs encourage conceptual thinking and experimentation, and risk-taking is encouraged.
  • You will use industry-relevant software as well as letterpress and printmaking.

Stage 2
  • Communication design principles are expanded and research, critical and presentation skills extended. You will undertake work placements, work on live briefs and enter design competitions.
  • Communication design career interests are explored, you have opportunities to study abroad and exhibit your work in the end-of-year exhibition.

Stage 3
  • You will undertake self-initiated study relating to design career or postgraduate study interests. Your major project will reflect your passions and ambitions, and you will produce a dissertation.
  • There is a choice of award options in: identity and branding, editorial and publishing or information design.
  • Your work will feature in the end of year degree show.
At the beginning of stage 3, students can choose from three industry related award options (or stay with the core programme):
• BA (Hons) Graphic Communication with Typography - Identity and Branding
• BA (Hons) Graphic Communication with Typography - Editorial and Publishing
• BA (Hons) Graphic Communication with Typography - Information Design
These focussed options have been specifically designed to reflect the broad nature of graphic design and communication as a profession.

University of Portsmouth

Course - BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Duration - 3 Years
Entry Requirements - 240-300 points to include a minimum of 2 A levels or equivalent, with 100 points from an A level in an Art & Design subject. Or Foundation Art & Design or National Diploma in Art & Design. All applicants are subject to interview. A portfolio is essential.

Course overview

Graphic designers work across print and screen-based media to solve visual problems. For example, a new corporate identity now has to work not only in print – on a letterhead, poster or van – but also on screen-based media, meaning that motion graphics and interactivity can also be part of the design solution.
Graphic design addresses these cross-media design issues and on our course you will have the opportunity to explore a variety of relevant media and develop conceptual and critical skills to equip you for your future career.
We believe we can offer you a unique programme of study. This course recognises that you are an individual with your own style and abilities and that you need to develop and expand into new areas. It will empower you with the creative skills and knowledge that will enable you to join and contribute to the exciting, dynamic and constantly evolving world of media and design.

Is this course for me?

It is probable that, if you are exploring this type of course, you will have taken art, design or communication-based subjects in the course of your studies and wish to develop them into a career in design practice. That is what we want to help you achieve. Although computers are now essential in graphic design we do not assume any prior experience. We introduce them and their software to you through workshops throughout the programme.
You need the ability to think creatively, a willingness to experiment and take risks and to express your ideas visually using a variety of media. You should also be willing and able to develop your research and writing skills, as these are also an essential part of the course. Above all else, an interest and enthusiasm for graphic design is probably the most important factor.

Bath Spa University
Course - Graphic Communication (Previously graphic Design)
Duration - 3 Years
Entry Requirements - 

Visual communication shapes how we experience the world. The course aims to be a space for active enquiry, challenging design preconceptions and defining the role of the designer in shaping the lives we lead and the world in which we live. We offer a professional education to prepare you for the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary practice, based on an awareness of sustainability: economic viability, social and environmental responsibility.
A convergence of new media forms in contemporary communication design determines the content of the course and the way it is taught. The programme offers a broad curriculum in graphic communication. Crossover teaching and interdisciplinary projects provide an energetic and flexible learning environment for creative synergies, whilst specialist areas of study in graphic design, illustration and interactive design are also encouraged, taught by a team of full-time and visiting tutors, all active practitioners themselves. You'll be encouraged to explore and express your ideas through word, image, concept, media, narrative, text, a process of thinking and making that will fully engage head, heart and hand.

Course Structure and Content

Year 1

The course is delivered as a sequence of modules. A broad introduction to visual communication includes drawing, printmaking, photography, design methods, typography, bookbinding and digital media. You'll be encouraged to think visually and analytically, engage with craft processes and put it all to work in exercises and projects. Other key skills will develop your ability to communicate, to work as part of a team, and to take responsibility for your learning. A module in Professional Contexts introduces the range of contemporary professional practice and an awareness of the industry. Historical and critical studies introduce a contextual framework to your work, and a study trip will extend your knowledge of design contexts.

Year 2

You can choose to focus on graphic design, illustration or interactive media, or develop an interdisciplinary approach, working across media. You will begin to negotiate the content of your work with tutors, bringing your own enthusiasms and interests as motivation. There are opportunities to participate in a European Erasmus exchange programme for a semester. A Professional Contexts module includes studio visits, investigating case studies and researching employment possibilities. Near the end of the course, you may choose to double the time and assessment weighting given to historical and critical studies.

Year 3

Independent, self-initiated work forms the basis of the year, supported by specialist tutors and workshops. You are encouraged to find connections between your studio practice and contextual studies, and this component can have double weighting if you so choose. There are opportunities for working on 'live' briefs to provide experience of dealing with commissions and production issues. Professional Contexts studies connect your practice with your professional aspirations and prepare you for employment or further study. The year ends with a public exhibition of work.

University of Gloucestershire

Course - Graphic Design
Duration - 3 Years
Entry Requirements - 280 using the UCAS tariff system

This course is all about ideas, skills and strong industry links.
Designers produce ideas in order to communicate, and the success of any project depends on the strength of the idea and the skill with which it’s executed.
Working in our spacious studios, you’ll have access to computers, printers and the internet in a professional studio environment. You will create ideas for branding, packaging and advertising, along with magazines, books and information design. You’ll also explore digital and moving image and areas of more personal expression and self-authorship.
Through workshops you will learn new skills, explore all areas of the subject and develop your own personality and individuality as a designer. We will expect you to be hard working, ambitious and committed, passionate, curious and enthusiastic to take risks and to acquire knowledge and to express yourself in distinctive and imaginative ways and demonstrate your curiosity, ambition and attitude through your work.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Career Research

Junior Web Designer – Retail

Large Fashion Retailer
£18,500- £21,500
Graduates with relevant degrees will be considered

The junior would be working very closely with the web designer, assisting on the art-working of all online communication i.e. sale banners across the site, translating offline marketing collateral for online, updating EBM emails. We are also looking at segmenting emails, so currently we send out 2 emails a week to our whole database but we are looking at segmenting this by the way the customers shop, so there will be additional emails to create, which the junior will help with. 
We are launching internationally in September in Germany, USA and Europe, and the web designer will need support in recreating the UK artwork for these sites. There is room for creative input here. 
My Client is going through a big change at the moment, in the way that their customer will be able to shop by shape. So we will be using this in-store an online. This is very exciting for them as we can really push this online with editorials and features. The web designer will need help art-working these designs. 
This is a new and exciting role which would be perfect for a graduate with some relevant work experience. Good retail & e-commerce knowledge is an advantage. Or alternatively a candidate with 1 years’ experience.
Previous experience of working with Adobe Creative Suite including Photoshop and illustrator and an understanding of HTML are essential attributes for this role. Understanding of Flash, InDesign and Dreamweaver plus use of a content management system are desirable. 
With proficient IT skills and previous exposure to the retail environment either in-store or online, this is an excellent opportunity for a recent graduate in web design, graphic design or a creative design discipline.
This truly is a great opportunity to join one of the biggest names in retail who operate on a global scale. If you are looking to develop a career in Web Design and Online Marketing then this is the opportunity for you.

Mid-weight Graphic Designer

Union Jackson - Join The Design Party
£24,000 to 30,000 per annum

Would you like to work in lovely Mayfair? Middleweight Graphic Designer needed to join possibly the most prestigious property company in the UK.
Working with the growing marketing department at their swanky Central London office, you'll be one of 4 graphic designers. Primarily designing pitch presentations you'll have the chance to work on high end, big budget brochure projects for an array of well-known brands. 
You'll have a natural flair for typographical projects and be at ease with both conceptual thinking and technical artwork; therefore solid skills across CS Suite are essential. Experience with HTML email marketing is a bonus, but not crucial.
This is a deadline driven, hard-working department and a chance to join a fun, boisterous and sociable team. If all this sounds like you, please send your CV with folio sampler that highlights your layout and type skills.

Junior Digital Designer – Photoshop & Illustrator

-         Are you a talented designer with great Photoshop and Illustrator skills? Want to further your career with an NMA Top 10 listed company? If so, read on. 
-         Our client is the world leader at broadcasting and commercialising sport in digital media. Employing over 650 staff with offices located globally, they are currently looking to recruit a Junior Digital Designer to join their team.
-         If you’re an enthusiastic and creative digital designer, this is a fantastic opportunity to join a fast-paced team and learn new skills
-         Reporting to the Lead Mobile Designer, as a Junior Digital Designer, you will support the mobile team in producing exceptional work for top level sporting clients. 

-         Your primary role will be designing and producing mobile applications. Working with the Lead Designer, you will produce designs for iOS, Android and Blackberry devices.
-         Your duties will include:
- producing assets to be used by the development team across all platforms
- producing detailed mark-up documents.
- ensuring that all designs meet high standards 

-         To be considered for this position, you must have a degree in graphic design, visual communication OR commercial design experience and strong design skills in Photoshop and Illustrator on a Windows PC platform 
-         As a Junior Digital Designer, you must have excellent communication skills. A close attention to detail is also prerequisite. 
-         When applying, applicants should provide examples of their work or a link to their online portfolio.
-         In return, our client offers a fun, dynamic and challenging work environment, excellent benefits and the opportunity to work on some of the most innovative and exciting global mobile applications. This is an opportunity not to be missed, apply now. 
To apply for the role of Junior Digital Designer (Photoshop, Illustrator, Mobile), please apply via the button shown. If your skills and experience meet with this requirement, we will provide our client with your full details so that they can consider whether you may be suitable for the vacancy advertised. By submitting your application